With Adam Wasserman, MSTOM, LAc
December 14, 6-9pm ET
Live Classroom, 3 NCCAOM CEs pending
Join Jung Tao School for an evening of discussion with new faculty member Adam Wasserman. This 3-hour live stream presentation will introduce practitioners and students of acupuncture to an overview of classical Chinese herbal medicine and its clinical uses.
Topics covered include:
Adam Wasserman, MSTOM, LAc, Instructor
Adam graduated from the Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine in 2011 with a Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He is NCCAOM Board Certified in acupuncture and herbal medicine. In addition to Chinese medicine, Adam has studied the Chinese martial art of ba gua zhang extensively. He began his studies in 2003 and has studied several different styles of the art including Gao Yi Sheng style, Li Zi Ming style and Beijing Gao Family style. While in school, Adam learned to translate modern and classic Chinese. He has continued this work focusing on classic texts from the Cold and Warm Disease schools. After graduating in 2011, Adam assisted in Tom Bisio’s clinic in Manhattan for two years focusing on the treatment of orthopedic conditions, observing and treating patients using tuina, externally applied herbs, internal herbs and qigong. He has taught tuina, qigong, Chinese medical theory, classical herbal theory, herbs, and formulas, at Pacific College of Health Sciences NY, Southwest Acupuncture College, Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine, and Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.